Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Safer schools

As the vice chair of the North Wales Fire Authority, you could say I have a personal interest. I have experienced the devastation fire at a school can cause to the school, its pupils and the community. Fortunately this fire at Ysgol Y gaer happened at night, if a fire did occur during the school day I dread to think of the consequence's. This why I am pressing Wrexham Council to adopt a policy of installing sprinklers in all our schools and especially the new and refurbished schools that we are intending to work on in the coming years.
sprinkler are so essential to help save life . This is so important not only in our schools but also in our homes and workplaces.
To start the ball rolling I have ask the council to give a report on why we do not intend to install sprinklers in the new Rhos schools, I await that report with interest.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


hi i have not been on holiday since my last posting in july, although i did manage to get away for a week in september. i am now ready to continue with postings so watch this space.
hope you had a nice summer